An Unhurried Life?

Janell Stratton Marton in Mountain Bicycle Race

Do you agree we live in a hurry-up and wait world? I am in the habit of over scheduling myself and wondering why I’m so tired. My daughter, Janell Stratton Marton, and her son Luke enjoy mountain bicycle racing. That’s a little faster than I’ve ever dreamed of going. However, my daily to-do list has often been over the top. Yet, I’ve enjoyed checking off accomplishments as I finished them.

In contrast, when I look at the life of Jesus, I can’t imagine Him having a to-do list or a schedule to keep. He allowed interruptions in His ministry. For example, on the way to Jairus’ house to raise his daughter from death, He healed a woman who had been sick for twelve long years. Another time He paused His day to heal a man born blind.

As a mom, school teacher, real estate agent and mountain biker, Janell’s days are scheduled pretty tight, but she allows interruptions if she sees a person in need. As she was leaving a super market one day in a hurry to get home and cook dinner, she saw an older woman who apparently lost her car keys. “Can I help you?” Janell said. Focused on the ground, the woman replied, “I dropped my keys and can’t find them.” Janell said, “I’ll be right back,” and went to her car to get a blanket. She laid down the blanket and crawled under the woman’s car. “Found ’em!” she said. This act of kindness didn’t take but a few minutes before both women were on their way.

The COVID isolation has slowed down my days. The social calendar is not so full, but I find time to kayak or go on boat rides with my husband or spend time with friends. I don’t feel guilty for resting like I used to. In fact, one of my favorite Scriptures is Matthew 11:28-30: Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


Can you imagine what it might be like to be yoked with Jesus? I think it would be an adventure, but not at all stressful. One of the best things I’ve done in my life since I retired was to take off my watch. I’ve never worn one again. What peace! What freedom! My days go smoother because I’m not watching the time. This has freed me to be aware of others who might need my help.


Thank you, Lord, for Jesus and His example of an unhurried life. Teach me to be more like Him. Help me to recognize opportunities, like Janell, to show compassion along the way to wherever I’m going. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Published by

Sue Loeffler

Author of more than two hundred articles, devotions and stories, my book, A CLOSER WALK WITH GOD, is a compilation of devotions from my visit to Israel. The Bible came alive to me, and I discovered I was not only walking where Jesus and the prophets walked; I was walking closer with God. I have taught Sunday school more than twenty years, mentored young women and volunteered as a hospital chaplain. Today I lead Women's Bible studies in my home, and I write a blog at A Closer Walk With God-Devotions from a Journey Through the Holy Lands. Visit often and/or subscribe/follow.

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